Download AWARE Factors

AWARE 2.0 factors will be made available soon on

Download (Sub) Watershed level values (annual and monthly)

Download Country level values (annual and monthly)

Version tracking table

Use the table below for version tracking.

Version number Date online Details
1.0 June 23rd, 2015 First version, only generic averages available, monthly and annual, country and (sub) watersheds.
1.1 August 18th, 2015 Adjustment of EWR data in some regions, additional averages available at country level (agri, non-agri).
1.1c September 17th, 2015 Aggregation error in country values have been corrected, watersheds values have not changed.
1.2 November 25th, 2015 Upper cutoff value changed from 1000 to 100.
1.2 February, 2016 “unknown” values added in addition to AGRI and NON-AGRI.
1.2 April, 2016 “Addition of the Spatial and Temporal standard deviations indicating which resolution to prioritize for each country.”
1.2 May, 2017 Bug fixed for unspecified compartment input flow in csv file.
1.2c Feb, 2019 Country and region aggregation has been refined, no changes to watershed values.
1.2 January, 2023 Added a worksheet for documentation purposes to the Excel documents. No change to AWARE values.
1.2 June 3rd, 2024 Bug fixed for CFs of zero in the watershed level Excel file. Caspian Sea basin set to “no data”. While the bug persists in the Google Earth file, it can still be used to identify watersheds.

Find other version of the indicators testing the sensitivity to EWR modelling at country level: